Jennifer Finestone, MA, RP, CCC
Registered Psychotherapist
Canadian Certified Counsellor
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Psychotherapy and CounsellingProviding bilingual counselling, psychotherapy and facilitation in the Ottawa-Gatineau Area
Specialized counselling and psychotherapy provided with warmth, sensitivity and common sense:
Managing life post-diagnosis
- A cancer – or any – diagnosis can throw your life into upheaval and can have long-ranging effects. Therapy sessions can reduce anxiety and other distressing emotions and provide tools to make the changes and challenges more manageable.
Self-care for caregivers
- Carving out a space to focus on your own well-being helps you better support your loved one. After all, it’s not just the patient who deals with an acute or chronic illness.
Helping you through loss
- Losing a loved one can be devastating and the process looks different for everyone. Having a safe, non-judgmental space where you are allowed to grieve for as long as you need to can ultimately help you to find a new way forward.
Life transitions
- Transitions can be overwhelming – whether we have chosen them or not – and talking with a compassionate professional can ground you and help you find a way to move forward.
Bolstering self-esteem
- So many of us feel like we’re ‘not enough’. Sharing with a therapist can quiet your inner critic, empower you to trust yourself and help you feel your best.